How Valid, Fair and Reliable Decisions Are Made as To the Learner’s Competence

Uncover the process of making valid, fair, and reliable decisions about a learner's competence in this blog. Learn how to ensure accurate assessments and support student progress.

Dr Adewale Abimbola, FHEA, GMICE.

7/6/20231 min read

Assessing National Vocational Qualifications is about making judgements as to the extent to which the required outcomes set by the awarding body have been demonstrated. I measure the evidence provided by the students against the criteria set in the unit specification.

For a performance-based criterion that requires the student to produce a safe system of work, a work product evidence, the student must upload one of the following pieces of evidence: a risk assessment, method statement, construction phase plan, health and safety file, etc. They must discuss their role in the production of the system of work they have uploaded. I ensure that the minimum work products required by these criteria are met by the students.

For the knowledge criteria that require more than one answer or solution, I ensure the students discuss at least two ways/methods/systems that can be used to achieve the required task.

To ensure that I am making fair, valid, and reliable decisions, I produced and shared with all the students a breakdown file showing the possible pieces of evidence and discussion that can be made against each criterion of the NVQ units.

Also, when providing feedback to the students, I ensure these are clear and well laid out so that the students know what pieces of evidence or discussion are appropriate and sufficient to achieve the units.