The Types of Information That Should Be Made Available to Learners and Others Involved in the Assessment Process

Unlock the key information needed in the assessment process for learners and stakeholders with this blog. Discover the types of information that promote transparency and success.

Dr Adewale Abimbola, FHEA, GMICE.

7/8/20231 min read

  • The students need to be clear about the learning outcomes and criteria that will be assessed for the summative assessments. For example, I ensure my assessment briefs clearly show the learning outcome and criteria that will be assessed.

  • The number of assessments, summative assessment methods, and types of evidence required must be clear to the students. For example, in the Level 2 unit I teach, Construction Drawing Techniques, I inform the students at the start of the unit of the two summative assessments that I will provide. I told them Assessment One would be a report based on the types of construction drawings and resources needed to produce the drawings. Assessment two would be a verbal presentation based on the construction drawings they have produced using computer-aided drafting software.

  • The learners need to be informed about how feedback will be given for their summative assessments. For example, once the assessments are set in the assignment section of MS Teams, I inform them that the feedback will be seen in the Rubric and comment sections. Also, I clarify to them that once the feedback and the grades have been agreed upon by the internal quality assurer, these will then be returned to them.

  • For units with practical experiments, the students need to be aware of the practical arrangements that have been made. For example, in the hydraulics units I taught, I provided students with the laboratory manual, report template or table, formulas, and questions they would need to complete when carrying out the experiments. This assists them in understanding how each question links to the next and having a proper understanding of the experimental procedure.
